Amrit Singh

About Amrit Singh

I've always been interested in how to harness the power of the mind to heal the body. And how to harness the power of the body to heal the mind. This quest led me to study holistic medicine, nutrition, become a shiatsu practitioner, acupuncturist, herbalist and, finally, a Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer and Karam Kriya numerologist.

During this 30-year period, I studied acupuncture and herbal medicine for four years with Master Nguyen Thin Thong, a third-generation herbalist. Further training in acupuncture and herbs in internal medicine continued with many masters, including Bob Doane and Chris Volesky, who helped me to further refine my pulse and tongue diagnosis.

As a Kundalini Yoga trainer, I have trained more than 1000 students to become teachers. Combining Chinese medicine, Karam Kriya and Kundalini Yoga, I developed the Organ Vitality Programme.

My daily practice of yoga and meditation has been, and is, my lifelong commitment.

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